BitWay Hospital Management System
Terms OF this Service
- This Product is Available for installation on cloud or Dedicated Host.
- training all your Employees will be included.
- Demo available to visit and present at your location.
- Please Contact us for more Information
- Dashboard
Advanced dashboard with multiple excellent statistics and widget
- Employee
The employee is hrm part of this system,so Admin can create employee, some employee is doctor, accountant, biller, pharmacist etc
- Attendance
Attendance a powerful feature for the employee, you can easily give employee attendance
- Patient
Manage and track all patient information via patient feature, also add appointment or admission by this feature
- Registration
When a patient takes an appointment or admission he must participate in registration.
- Appointment Manage
The appointment is a great feature for this system, this feature is meet up the schedule to doctor
- Admission
Admission feature is a great feature. it’s manage admitted patient part
- Physical Condition
Physical condition feature is managed the patient physical condition, like blood pressure, height, weight, etc. when doctor generate prescription then he sees this report
- Instruction
Instruction feature for admitted patients. any kind of treatment instruction doctor will write here
- Prescription
Prescription is a legal medical chart for the patient. the patient follows this and takes medicine
- Discharge
Discharge is a hospital legal document for patient release. when any patient take discharge then the hospital generates a document for release
- Operation Theatre
An operating theater is a facility within a hospital where surgical operations are carried out in an aseptic environment. also known as an operating room (OR), operating suite, or operation suite. this feature generates a record for operation patient
- Birth Register
Birth registration is the process by which a childʼs birth is recorded in the civil register by the hospital authority. It provides the first legal recognition of the child and is generally required for the child to obtain a birth certificate and as a result any other legal documents and rights
- Death Register
The phrase death certificate can refer either to a document issued by a medical practitioner certifying the deceased state of a person.
- Floor
Admin can add all floor in the hospital, it’s just a record for hospital floor
- Room
Admin can add all room in the hospital, it’s just a record for the hospital room and easily find the room
- Ward
Ward is a hospital ward like ICU, Neurology, Oncology, etc
- Bed
The bed is a featured admin can generate all bed no and easily find it for his purpose
- Bed Type
bed type is a category for the bed like gatch bed, low air loss beds, Circo-electric beds, etc
- Bed Manager
Bed manage is a great featured for the hospital, admin can easily find available bed and see this details
- Income
Admin can add income, Income is the consumption and savings opportunity gained by an entity within a specified timeframe, which is generally expressed in monetary terms
- Expense
hospital add expense via this feature, admin purchase any item then add it here
- Bill
A patient’s bill of rights is a list of guarantees for those receiving medical care. so this feature generates a bill for patient
- Test Category
Test category is medical test category like blood, x-ray, etc
- Test Label
Test label is the list of test lists, like CBC, STD, thyroid panel, etc, admin generates it.
- Test
The test is a great feature. the doctor gives the test of patient and this feature generate some test for patient
- Medicine Purchase
This feature generates medicine purchase list when hospital purchase medicine from vendor or manufacturer admin generate a purchase bill
- Medicine Sale
medicine sale manage medicine sale to patient, pharmacist and patient info and sale medicine
- Medicine
Medicine manage all medicine list, hospital provide this medicine for the treatment
- Damage & Expire
This feature generates damage medicine list. admin or pharmacist can add it easily
- Medicine Stock
Medicine stock is a list of available or stock out medicine, pharmacist seen it and purchase medicine
- Blood Donor
Blood donor feature manage blood donor list and stored reserve blood
- Blood Stock
Bloodstock is a list of available or stock out blood, admin saw it and purchase blood or hire blood donor
- Ambulance
Ambulance feature manages ambulance, admin add ambulance with driver information
- Salary Template
The salary template is a salary grade for a full-time employee. admin create it easily
- Hourly Template
The hourly template is a salary grade for a part-time employee. admin create it easily
- Manage Salary
This feature manage employee salary grade and add their salary template
- Make Payment
This feature provide salary in an employee, admin easily pay employee salary and see the record
- Leave Apply
Leave apply is a great feature for employee. employees can easily apply for leave
- Inventory
Inventory is a great feature. inventory manage hospital asset management
- Notice
any kind of notice can publish in hospital, so notice feature provide notice management
- Event
Event is kind of notice but people can join this feature. any kind of user can participate in this feature
- Posts
Admin can create/manage post for frontend
- Page
Page Maker module cms in backend
Electronic Medical Registration.
Page Maker module cms in backend
- Menu
Admin can manage menu management for frontend
- Role & Permission
Unlimited User Role and Permission to assign user roles
- Reset Password
Reset password of any user is now very easy
TPA is a third party admission part, admin can manage it
- Update
When BitWay release new update admin can easily update in new version
- Report
Advance reporting system for hole database and easily manage it
- Settings
Administrator can manage system every settings options from this module, like general settings, frontend settings, email setting and many more
- Charts
Multiple Advanced charts for account, users, payments, income, attendance and many more..
- Backend & Frontend Theme
Integrated Theme concept for backend and front-end
- Frontend Website
Integrated Frond-end website with enable and disable settings
And ….
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